วันจันทร์ที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

BTS skytrain

Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited (BTS)

Open for the first time on December 5,1999
route 2 is Sukhumvit line, tistant of 17 Km, and Silom line , distant of 6.5 Km.

BTS skytrain (Thai: Rot Fai Fa BTS ,รถไฟฟ้าบีทีเอส) 
is the transportation system that high standard.
It is the most widely used in general.
The used of electric motor to drive,
run on elevated tracks.

Provide passenger services more than 1,000 people, per train.
The BTS skytrain is the revolution standard for service of public transportation.

BTS is the one of the safest,convenient, and fast.
To avoid the traffic jam, BTS is the one choice for you.

